H Alom - 2018
Puppies born at 2018.08.15
All puppies arel born with the following genetic tests: prcd-PRA Clear by parentage , HNPK Clear by parentage , CNM Clear by parentage
Int CH Midnight Sun Royal Lover
genotype EEbb (Cc)
Prcd-PRA clear by parentage |
Int CH Mallorn's Ring My Bell
genotype EEbb (Cc)
Prcd-PRA clear |
CH Chablais Your Place or Mine
genotype EEBb (Bc) |
Multi CH Big Sky's Stone Kutter
genotype EEBb (Bc) |
CH Chablais Delorme Ziggy
genotype EEbb (Cc) |
CH Mallorn's Ring Any Bells
genotype EEBb (Bc) |
CH Mallorn's Romeo
genotype EEBb (Bc) |
CH Mallorns Terracotta
genotype EEbb (Cc) |
Malomkozi Baby Best
genotype EEBb (Bc) |
Mallorn's Sky of Dukeland
genotype EEBb (Bc) |
CH Mallorn's Valentine
genotype EEBb (Bc) |
Mallorn's MMM Marabou |
Int CH Malomkozi Chelsea
genotype EEBb (Bc) |
Int CH Trendmakers Take Five
genotype EEBb (Bc) |
Trendmakers Eternity
genotype EEBb (Bc) |
RO JCH Sweet Years Labradors to ClausWeb
genotype EEBb (Bc) |
IntCH Trendmaker's I Wish You Were Mine
EIC clear |
CH Lab Treasure's Never-Say-Die
genotype EEbb (Cc) |
CH Birchbrook Paddington Bear |
Lab Treasure's Back in Business |
Trendmaker's Italian Bella Donna
genotype EEbb (Cc) |
CH Trendmaker's Eldorado |
Cassatas Irreplaceable Ivory |
CH Sweet Years Labradors Miu Miu
Prcd-PRA clear |
Multi BISS CH Trendmaker's Make You Wish Prcd-PRA clear EIC clear |
Alaincobain |
Magnifizentros |
CH Trendmaker's Wild Wish Prcd-PRA clear EIC carrier |
CH Winnie's Wing and A Prayer |
Winnie's Out Look |